Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Magic of Hypnosis

The Magic of Hypnosis for Birth

How helpful is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is an ancient form of healing dating back to the times of ancient India and Egypt.  Hypnosis is still widely used in modern China instead of anesthesia for many surgical procedures. “ it helps the person to stay relaxed and de-stressed,” says Joanne Marrow, PhD., professor emeritus at Cal State Sacramento.    The common side effects of therapeutic hypnosis are: improved self-image and confidence, and a profound sense of achievement and empowerment.

How Does It Work?

How you prepare you mind and body is the singular most important factor for the successful outcome of your birth.  Far too often our joy and excitement are over-shadowed by fear, uncertainty and questionable self-confidence. With the help of a professional Hypnotherapist you can reach and embrace your ability to change your state of fear, worry and stress into calm and self-confidence. When your mind, body, and soul are in harmony, you have essentially created the perfect balance for physical comfort, mental relaxation and emotional confidence. Relaxation, achieved through self-hypnosis techniques, releases the fear and tensions that cause long labor. Therefore, pain is lessened and in some cases even eliminated. This is not to say that you will not experience any sensations during labor and delivery, this is to say that hypnosis can redirect your experience of the intensity of labor from an unmanageable sensation, to something you can comfortably manage.  Fear creates tension and tension creates pain. Fear also makes the body release adrenalin, which contracts all muscles preparing for the ‘fight or flight’ reaction, and catecholamine which is a hormone which closes the cervix in response to fear.  In essence the body recognizes fear as a dangerous situation and tells the body to stop labor and flee.  Using hypnosis before labor to understand where the fears lay and during labor recalling how you have learned to achieve a state of total relaxation, labor can transform into a very pleasant and sacred experience. The negative cycle (OMG what is happening to me I cannot handle this) is replaced with confidence, calm, and comfort (my baby and I are working hard to bring a new life into this world.) Through hypnosis, a naturally induced state of relaxed concentration, suggestions are communicated to the subconscious mind.

Can you do it on your own?

Yes. With the help of self-hypnosis audio tapes or CDs, you can train yourself to reach a state of relaxation that can and will help you achieve the birthing experience you desire.  Of course the help of a professional before the birth and during it insures that you will stay on course.  But if you are willing to stay focus and use the techniques learned you can achieve a painless experience. Our subconscious mind directly influences what we think, how we feel, and the choices we make.

Where Do I Find These CDs?

The suggestions used in our Joy In Birthing Bundle technique assure that old beliefs about birthing are replaced by new empowering beliefs that return birthing to the beautiful, peaceful experience nature intended. You may purchase our CD here. Our goal is to help you embrace the miraculous and sacred rite of passage that birthing is for every woman.

Changing Behavior

Once ingrained in our childhood, most behavior becomes largely automatic; we experience a stimulus or trigger and react without conscious thought.  That is why trying to change behavior, emotions or improve physical performance by using only our self-will often fails.   It has nothing to do with our intentions, or our commitment to the change, or our will power: our minds just don’t work that way.  We need to uncover the roots of the behavior, discover how and when they trigger us in our conscious living, heal and rebirth a new behavior now rooted in self-love and self-acceptance working with a hypnotherapist can help you o just that.
In order to achieve our goals, we need to empower ourselves and be ready to change some aspects of our being to make room for another expression of G-d, or our individual notion of a power greater than ourselves.   Your comfort with your role as a mother often depends on what others have told you about who you are and what you should expect; the role your own mother played in your life; and the information you have gotten from friends, relatives, books and or your care provider.  It is up to you to decide: you can live by what others say you should be/do/ or think; or you can take full responsibility for your state – here and now. If your mental and spiritual programming is based upon fear and worry there is only so much you can do on your own to manage your state during labor and delivery.  The waves of labor will take over your conscious state and you unconscious will run wild with whatever information you have given it.

Next Hypnosis and Birth workshop with Giuditta Tornetta

Read more about the class visit here
Classes are held the last Sunday of every other month beginning on January 30 2011
Birth and Beyond
1750 Ocean Park Blvd Suite 206
Santa Monica 90405

to enroll call

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