Discovering the womb and taking those first steps to clear, cleanse and open its infinite vastness is an essential piece of the healing journey for every woman, and every man in relationship with a woman.
Womb work doesn’t “do” anything, it “gives” you everything. It’s a discovering, an un-veiling and a re-membering. It’s the true orientation for a woman to be coming from, to be centered in. It gives us back our true house, our place of being so that we may rise up and into the heart with strong rooted foundations and a sense of Earthly reality. It’s the rock upon which we are built.
The Womb is the deep silence, the sound knowledge of truth and the loving embrace that holds us all together, as a life form within all life forms. The womb reveals to us true sight, deep feeling and a sense of support and belonging that is second to none. When all else fails in life, the womb remains as that pillar to lean against, that rock to hold onto and those arms to cry in.
The womb is a part of the soul embodied, here on Earth deep within the human form. Without a doubt it is a woman’s most reliable, trusted and safe home. During the beginning stages of Healing the Womb this will become her most precious and treasured discovery. It is the place that does not move, and you will discover a part of yourself that is eternal, ever-present and easily reached.
The difference between the Soul and the womb is that the womb is physical, located in the body and a part of the body that women know so well. The Soul at first is seemingly etheric, out of reach and non-physical. But they both merge in the human form through the womb.
The Womb leads us to the seed of our being, our first creative spark. It invites us to be re-born, regenerated and resurrected. It is a cave of pure creativity where we are the creator. The Womb is your inner council where you will discover your doctor, surgeon, adviser, confidant, sage, decision-maker and artist. Every face and facet of your being has roots into the womb, and the womb is the clearest domain to have that meeting.
Ultimately the womb leads us to Womb of all life, the beginning and the end of all known and unknown universes. It is the place upon which all of life simply must travel through to be created. When you realize this, you can begin to create within your own womb, placing projects and hearts desires within its field to be birthed into the world.
Transmuting with the womb is another “gift” of the womb. The womb has the facility to be able to contain and transmute negative or harming energies, stripping away the orientation of the negativity into a pure state of neutrality. This stage of working with the womb comes only after it has been cleared, and with the guidance and instruction of a womb teacher.
To live with your womb open brings you a gift and state of being that was previously unknown. You feel beautiful, gorgeous, rich and sensual without the “edge” of threat perceived from other women. You are non-threatening in your beauty and happiness within your body. You ooze nature, life, promise and pure joy.
There is a sense of belonging to nature, to the whole world and that belonging naturally extends to all other life. Again, I could even extend to say that living from the womb is a life lived without fear.
Duality dissolves, there is an inherent “rightness” about life and this ease of being is seen, felt, cherished and hopelessly given to all.
However, an open womb also comes with a self-responsibility as its magnificence is very attracting and will draw attention. During the beginning stages it is advised to place yourself within healthy and productive environments and situations. As you progress you can begin to turn around seemingly negative situations and places back into a non-harming co-existence with the rest of all life.
It is essential that a woman be taken to the fullness of her being. Living without the womb is like living without the Soul. Without the open womb, life will only exist, not be lived through. It simply has to be known, discovered and entered.
Its importance is transmuting, clear sight, creating fields of energy that regenerate yourself and your partner in love making, connection to the web of life and this foundation deep within your being.
The most important reason I saved for last. A clear and open womb is the channel for the next generations of humankind to come through. By giving birth to new souls here on earth is one of the surest ways to elevate the future of mankind. Birthing through the open and healed womb, nurturing and rearing with a mother with an open womb and growing up in an environment where your child sleeps and rests within the field of the womb, will and can be a life lived with only instinctive fears ever being experienced.
That being will grow into an adult faster than the rest of us, and be part of a new generation that herald in the New Humanity.
It is every man’s rightful place to know the power of the womb, and how an open womb holds the key to his own re-birth. By being with a woman either journeying into the open womb, or already established within one, a man has the invitation to become a Divine Man. In no uncertain terms, if a man is with a woman with an open womb he will surely have the chance to face his deepest fears in the sanctity of a loving depth that is steady, enduring and powerful. It won’t necessary be comfortable at all times, but it will bring him the key to his own transformation.
When making love with a woman with an open womb, the man will stand the chance of experiencing a deep trance like meditative state. It has to be known that this nurturing and completely trustworthy energy that is often only used to birth children is also readily available to adults through the open womb. All men, whether they know this or not is searching for this feeling once more. It is a driving force, which often gets distorted into searching for a mother figure. That is not it. That is not what he is searching for. But because of this knowledge being hidden, only now can men identity what it is they are looking for. After love making, together both the man and the woman will fall into or rather pour themselves into a very deep theta state, which is undeniable and vast. Upon completion of this deep journey into realms and dimensions that are countless. Both man and women will return back to the alpha state, fully restored, full of vital energy and in a sense, resurrected.
Throughout the ages in every civilization there has been a hidden pathway, a secret technology which enables the individual to reach the ultimate potential. That greatness is within every one of us. Deep within you, there is this voice waiting to arise … a voice that you know, but which has been buried. This voice is not outside you in gurus or masters. It is the Voice of your Womb.
The Womb is the key generator of tremendous creative potential, vitality, sensuality, heart power and manifestation. It not only births children, but projects, spiritual potential, personal healing and the depths of relating we all yearn for. It brings fullness, balance and loving power to your deepest relationships, and is the crucible for Sacred Union between man and woman, woman to woman, and even man to man. It is vital for men to know, understand and work with as the womb births the divine masculine.
The Womb is the foundation of a woman, the rich soil and immovable centre of silent power that allows the heart to bloom and open safely and fully. It has been covered by fear, betrayal, judgment, ignorance, sexual issues and the loss/ abuse of power. Its wisdom and power have been forgotten by most people, and deliberately hidden by others because it is the link to the Creator, found in every woman.
Conscious birthing, conscious pregnancy and conscious parenting are a big part of the new paradigm for both men and women, and Womb Wisdom is the key to this. Clearing and opening the womb allows the new children to be birthed in a new way at a high vibration. If the mother is clear, then a higher frequency child soul will come into her body. These new children are our future, the basis for an awakened human civilization.
What would you give birth to if you felt safe, nurtured, confident, loved and lovable? Close your eyes and imagine that you could wave a magic wand and suddenly feel completely safe, nurtured, confident loved and lovable. Imagine that you felt completely comfortable and at ease with your body. What would that look like, feel like? What keeps you from being there?
There are many ways to open the Womb. With them all combined, the Womb becomes a Vessel for Source.
Physical: through cleansing, diet, herbs, exercise, healing breath work and energy flow, salt baths, massage, touch, embraces.
Sexual : through Sacred Union
Creative: Drawing, dancing, being in nature, returning back to natural timings, singing, writing.
Spiritual: meditation, prayers, connecting with the Creator or Higher Self or Higher Power, Mother Nature or whatever you like to call a power greater then yourself.
Mental: though hypnosis, recreating and redesigning past hurtful experiences.
The placenta is the first mother to each of us. It is our first connection and interface to the 3D world, and is our first nourisher, supporter, and companion. It feeds us, and is there for us, providing all we need to survive, to grow, and to be born. It is our sustainer and protector, our first love, the first experience of unconditional love we receive, and the twin with us in the womb.
The placenta is our first guardian, and protector. What consequences arise when we are separated from it? Could it be our first trauma, and separation? When our umbilical cord is prematurely cut, we are separated from our lifeforce and soul connection, still pulsing through the cord connecting us to our first mother. And this separation creates fear, borne out of disrespect, ignorance and contempt for the deeper connection between life, love, mother and child.
The loss, abandonment, and grief that we can experience in our unformed minds and bodies as we enter this world brutally and prematurely cut off from the nurturing, unconditionally loving envelope of the placenta in the womb is a huge conditioning and loss for us that can affect our lives. We actually experience these emotions for the first time in the body in this action of cutting off of placenta cords, for before this we, placenta, womb and mother were one. It is our first separation in this world.
The placenta also holds an aspect of our twin soul or divine double connection, for the first experience we have on the earth plane of our twin soul is the placenta in the womb that we first bonded with. When the trauma of this separation is healed, we can deeply relax and let go, as we find this connection within ourselves, and no longer feel so drawn to finding it outside. We feel our own source of nourishment and deep inner peace, comfort, and contentment that we may look outside for, in intimate relationship within us. We no longer feel the desperate need for another, to find ourselves in somebody outside of our own self. This allows us to engage in life with a new sense of freedom, peace, and balance found from healing your inner loss at this deep separation.
Located deep in the reptilian brain, the amygdala detects danger or emotion associated with past experiences from childhood and / or past lives that were stamped within the brain as being dangerous or emotionally significant. The amygdala, named similarly to Magdalene, handles our emotions and triggers in us the fight-or-flight response just as it did in caveman days.
Past traumas, emotional memories, and barriers to our deepest fulfillments and healings are stored in the amygdala, which keep playing out in vicious cycles of reaction. This needs healing. It affects the feminine part of your brain that holds memories and feelings of having separated from the masculine qualities of strength, courage, power, wisdom and will. It affects the masculine part of your brain that holds memories and feelings of having separated from the feminine qualities of love, nurturing, caring, compassion, empathy, tenderness and kindness.
The amygdala in conjunction with the hippocampus also contributes to the production of sexual feelings and dualities, as well as unusual and fearful phenomenon including out-of-body states, hallucinogenic and dream-like recollections, the experience of god, as well as demons and ghosts. It is the amygdala which enables us to experience emotions such as love and religious rapture, as well as the ecstasy associated with orgasm, and the dread associated with the unknown.
The amygdala is the heart chakra of the brain. When it opens, the whole brain starts to become healed, as the light and love radiates from the amygdala to the other brain centres. It governs heart wisdom, the love brain, and emotional intelligence. Thinking with the heart, responding and feeling with the brain. It is connected to expression in the present moment in a responsive way, to precisely what is occurring.
The amygdala is part of the portal to the feminine entrance to the third eye, found at the back of the brain. When it opens, the third eye starts to open up softly. Essential oils such as rose, amber, frankincense and myrrh help to stimulate and sooth the amygala, especially if done in an activation session.
What if we looked at the word and saw it as a verb? Womb: verb: to create and cultivate safety and healing both inside your body and in your life.
Create a safe foundation within and become more self-confident. A healthy womb is essential to your sexuality, self-worth and joy. Wombing gives you the support and freedom to be wild. Heal your relationship with the feminine. Claim your mothering gifts to nurture yourself. Gain access to your creative energy and fully experience your life. It’s time for you to give birth to you!
Giuditta is holding a “Healing the Womb” workshop in August in Santa Monica. For more details please follow this link ->
Healing the Womb Workshop